Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

Military Units Tournament – The Results in

The Military Units Tournament is now officially closed. The passion shown by fighters and military commanders to win this tournament couldn’t have been at higher levels. We find this to be truly inspiring, as it’s events like this that show what eRepublik is really about: healthy competition, team play, and a lot of dedication.
Without further ado, we will post the names of the Top three Military Units, so they are known by the whole world:
1. Macedonian Army – Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) – 29 billion damage
2. Bulgarian Civilian Corps – Bulgaria – 17 billion damage
3. S.O.S. – Serbia – 15.9 billion damage

The Polish Civil Army deserves a special recognition for coming just short of the 3rd place, with 15.7 billion damage. It’s also interesting to note that among the Top 50 Military Units, the Greek and Polish ones dealt the highest amount of combined damage. Here is the ranking of New World countries, based on the number of Military Units they had in the Top 50:
We wish the winners to enjoy their bigger rewards for completing the Daily Order and to stay strong in the future as well. Regardless of whether you won or not, thank you for being part of the tournament and making it so awesome.
Our most respectful o7 goes to you all.
The eRepublik Team

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